Austin / Central Texas Real Estate News & Updates

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Monday, January 26, 2009

National REALTOR® Statistics

I thought this was interesting...

Hours worked by all REALTORS (nationwide): 40 per week

Gross personal income by hours worked: $63,000 (median for 40-59 hrs.)

Real estate experience of all REALTORS (median): 7 years

REALTORS by gender: Male 41%; Female 59%

Formal education of REALTORS: Some college: 34%; associate degree: 12%; Bachelor's degree: 26%; High school graduate: 8%; Graduate degree and above: 10%; Some graduate school: 8%

Affiliate membership of REALTORS: CCIM: 1%; CRE: 1%; CRB: 3%; CRS: 10%; IREM: 1%; REBAC: 10%; RLI: 1%; SIOR: less than 1%; WCR: 4%

Sides per agent: For all REALTORS in 2007, the typical brokerage specialist completed 10 transaction sides

Number of years with present firm (median): Agents - 3 years; Brokers - 7 years

REALTOR affiliation with firms: Independent contractor 83%; Employee 6%; Other 11%
Source: 2007 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile

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Friday, January 16, 2009

2008 Market in Review - Austin Title

As most parts of the nation experience significant decline in housing starts, sales, and prices, the Central Texas market remains relatively strong in comparison. Although units sold and aggregate volume are down around 20%, prices remain stable and inventory remains low, suggesting that pent-up demand from 3rd and 4th quarters may soon re-enter market as the credit freeze continues to thaw. With just 5.3 months of inventory, Austin actually had less units for sale in November 2008 than in November 2007. As buyers take advantage of historically low interest rates, our local market should continue to benefit as prices here grew modestly throughout the bubble times elsewhere. Austin's projected equity accumulation in the years ahead is one of the nation's healthiest according to a recent study (See pdf article here, page 5 and page 15)

While the Austin housing market has realized some price increases over the past decade, we have been insulated from the steep price drops seen in coastal markets and places like Arizona and Florida. Although market conditions are tough nationwide, Austin remains stable in comparison due to a formidable economic base and a healthy job market with 4 of the nation's Top Ten cities for growth located here in Texas. These factors also account for the steady stream of new residents who come to Austin for the sunshine and good jobs. [For more statistical data:]

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