National REALTOR® Statistics
I thought this was interesting...
Hours worked by all REALTORS (nationwide): 40 per week
Gross personal income by hours worked: $63,000 (median for 40-59 hrs.)
Real estate experience of all REALTORS (median): 7 years
REALTORS by gender: Male 41%; Female 59%
Formal education of REALTORS: Some college: 34%; associate degree: 12%; Bachelor's degree: 26%; High school graduate: 8%; Graduate degree and above: 10%; Some graduate school: 8%
Affiliate membership of REALTORS: CCIM: 1%; CRE: 1%; CRB: 3%; CRS: 10%; IREM: 1%; REBAC: 10%; RLI: 1%; SIOR: less than 1%; WCR: 4%
Sides per agent: For all REALTORS in 2007, the typical brokerage specialist completed 10 transaction sides
Number of years with present firm (median): Agents - 3 years; Brokers - 7 years
REALTOR affiliation with firms: Independent contractor 83%; Employee 6%; Other 11%
Source: 2007 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile
Labels: reatlor, statistics